Shop Policies

Where do orders ship from?

Monicherrie is based in the Philippines.

Do you ship internationally?

Yes! Monicherrie ships internationally. No one gets left behind :)

I've placed my order! When will it ship?

Monicherrie is an independently-owned brand, which means that all orders are packed by Moni herself. Onhand items will ship in 5-7 business days. I go to the post office every week (usually Tuesday) to ship items.

If you have a special event where you need your order to be prioritized, such as for a gift, please send me an email.

What are the estimated delivery times?

For Ordinary and Registered Shipping: will take 3 - 8 weeks to arrive after being shipped.

For DHL Shipping: will take 2 - 4 weeks to arrive after being shipped.

NOTE: COVID-19 has significantly impacted international delivery time. There might be delays so your patience is very much appreciated^^

Where can I track my order?

Your tracking number will be provided to you once the order is shipped. You can only track your order IF you decide to checkout with Registered/DHL Shipping.  Otherwise, your order will not have tracking.

It's been more than 8 weeks since my package shipped and I still haven't gotten it. I fear it may be lost.

I will be happy to help! Please reach out to me thru email (please include your order number) so we can work out a solution. I can either refund or resend your item with tracking if you are willing to pay the lost order shipping fee.

Do you accept returns and exchange or refund?

I do not accept returns, exchange or refund unless the product you receive has significant defects or if it has been confirmed to be lost in the mail.